Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay about Camaraderie in This Is What It Means to Say...

Thesis: In, This is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona, Victors fathers death leads to the many stories about their childhood that makes them reconsider their friendship. I. Mother Theresa once said, Kind words can be short and easy to speak but there are truly endless. A. As Victor and Thomas approached the door to the trailer Victor says, I never told you I was sorry for beating you up that one time. B. He does not say he wants them to be best friends again but he is showing how he cares about Thomas feelings. II. The story about Spokane tells why Thomas goes along on the trip and why he liked Victors father. A. Thomas explains, He said he wouldnt tell anybody... But he said I had to take care of you†¦show more content†¦Camaraderie In, This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona, two friends, Victor and Thomas, reminisce on childhood stories as they travel to Phoenix, Arizona. When Victor hears of his fathers untimely death he immediately needs to retrieve his fathers belongings in Phoenix. The only problem is Victor does not have any means to get there. Fortunately his childhood friend, whom he no longer speaks to, offers to lend him the money. Although there is a catch to Thomas offer; Victor must take Thomas with him, thus opening a once closed door to their friendship. The loss of Victors father is unfortunate; his death leads to the many stories about their childhood that makes them reconsider their friendship. Mother Theresa once said, Kind words can be short and easy to speak but there are truly endless. As Victor and Thomas approached the door to the trailer Victor says, I never told you I was sorry for beating you up that one time. At this point Victor is taking his first step to mending his friendship with Thomas. Its apparent that Victor has accepted his behavior towards Thomas. He does not say he wants them to be best friends again but he is showing how he cares about Thomas feelings. Even though ...Im sorry... doesnt appear to be the biggest deal; it shows that people can and do change how they treat others. The story about Spokane tells why Thomas goes along on the tripShow MoreRelatedIsis : Our Homeland Terrorist1950 Words   |  8 PagesTerrorist One of the most complex global issues today involves a terrorist group called ISIS. Rather many American’s know it or not this is important and a threat to our country. Many don’t understand what ISIS is, their way of thinking, and what we should do as citizens of America. The Islamic State dates all the way back to 622 CE in the Arabian Peninsula. 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