Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Empire of the Wolves (2002) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Empire of the Wolves (2002) - Term Paper Example This movie is based on a novel by Jean Christophe Grange and tells a story of young idealistic police captain Paul Nerteaux (Jocelyn Quirin) who has just taken over the case of three Turkish women seamstresses in Paris’ Turkish community. Paul decides to get help from retired cop Jean Louis Schiffer (Jean Reno), as he had patrolled the area for over 20 years but is known for his unorthodox methods.            The movie is an investigation about the murders of three women being subjected to an experiment. Though Paul tried to get with Schiffer about the crime he was torn between the judgments of the people about his collaboration on the retired cop who practice the unorthodox way of investigating the crime. Even the doctor in charge of the autopsy has given him warnings about the Schiffer.          The crime was projected in the movie is actually a crime about experimenting with human bodies for new treatment discoveries. It is a form of murder, which is a violation of the law and also a form of violation to medical, or bioethics. What’s so real about this movie is the implementation of the violation of bioethics. In Bioethics, humans should not be part of any technological or any experiments. Experiments should only be limited to a few forms of animals (like mice).   In real life, scientists are truly imprisoned and the license is taken from them if they practice experiments with humans just like in this movie where they use surgeries and implants. In real life, so far, there has been no news about scientists totally doing experiments on humans due to the imposed law about ethics. They are only practicing their findings limited to lab rats, sheep, and other animals. This media product though is not far from impossible to happen in the near future. I say it’s a little bit of advancement of science that violates the law. The investigation by the two cops was a mixture of the orthodox and unorthodox way of doing it. It happens, especially when the officers assigned in such cases are of different principles.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Yeats’s Versification in ‘Adam’s Curse’ and ‘the Wild Swans at Coole’ Essay Example for Free

Yeats’s Versification in ‘Adam’s Curse’ and ‘the Wild Swans at Coole’ Essay How do the characters of Therese, Laurent and Meursault change after they have committed their respective murders? The protagonists in both the novels â€Å"Therese Raquin† by Emile Zola, and â€Å"The Outsider† by Albert Camus, ultimately commit murder. This is the turning point in both cases, and the way in which their various characters change because of this will be analysed and compared. In Therese Raquin, after the murder of Camille, both Therese and Laurent react at first with shock, Therese flying into fits of hysterics and Laurent with a rationality that seems to be his coping mechanism at first. However, as time passes, it seems as though the characters begin to relax again, although Zola foreshadows upheaval to come: â€Å"it was changing them, for a hidden process had taken place within them†. The first indication of this is their loss of passion; â€Å"love had lost its appeal, their appetite had disappeared the touching of their skin made them feel slightly queasy†. Their decision to get married brings up tortuous nightmares in L, as he imagines the corpse of Camille in the place of Therese’s body. This is the very beginning of the agonising torment that the two characters suffer as a result of the memory, perhaps even the guilt, of their crime. â€Å"Therese too had been visited by the ghost of Camille during that feverish night†. These imaginings and hallucinations, at times becoming palpable visions that convince them of the dead man’s existence, eventually drive the two characters over the brink of insanity. â€Å"The lovers’ panic grew worse, and every day their nightmares made them more demented and distraught†, before they even got married. They looked upon their forthcoming wedding as an alleviation to save them from their terrible imaginings. However, we see just how misguided this expectation is on their wedding night; they feel they are â€Å"still separated by a gaping chasm they dreamed that they had been violently separated and flung in opposite directions†. This signals the drastic changes to come about in their lives, and is highlighted by the dynamic verb â€Å"flung† and the emphasis on violence. They begin to believe the dreadful memory of Camille separates them no t only in their minds, but physically, feeling that â€Å"his body is still here between us, turning our limbs to ice†, and this idea stays at the foremost of their suffering – that the ghost of Camille is haunting them and making its presence felt. Zola portrays their response to this as they are â€Å"experiencing profound disturbancesthey found themselves in the grip of a common terror seized by a feverish delusion: they could touch the body, see it stretched out there like a greenish, half-putrefiedmass of decomposing humanity† which constantly stays in their awareness for the rest of their miserable lives. The physical and psychological anguish for the two â€Å"lovers† was so great that Therese â€Å"would have flung herself into the fire, had she thought that the flames would purify her flesh and deliver her from her pain† and Laurent being driven to distraction as he sees â€Å"five Camilles in front of him, created by the power of his own hands† simply because the playing of the dead man on his conscience is enough to take root in everything he does, whether it is painting or touching his wife. However, it is not clear whether the two characters actually ever feel any sense of remorse for their crime. Their terror is undeniably because of the act they committed, but probably down to the actual experience, and their fear of being discovered, than a sense of regret or guilt – Laurent even goes as far as to say that they would â€Å"chuck him in again if we had to†. Despite Laurent and Therese’s dread of being discovered, the forced endurance of psychological battering eventually causes them to confess their crime to Madame Raquin, when â€Å"Laurent had a kind of fit during which he talked like a man hallucinating†. We can question the basis of their terror of being found out by others, and whether it is guilt in that they believe they have done wrong, or simply their fear of the guillotine. However, we learn that â€Å"they were frustrated with their crime itself, and despairing that it had ruined their lives for good†, showing their utterly selfish nature in that they are repenting not because of the actual murder of a man, but because of the toll it takes on their own lives. Zola demonstrates the effects of this internal turmoil, as â€Å"it was inevitable that it would come to hatred in the end. They had loved each other like animals, with the hot passions of the blood; then, in the nervous upheaval following their crime, love had turned to fear and they had felt a physical horror at the thought of their embraces.† This acute hatred for one another takes shape as night after night, Therese and Laurent fight viciously, Laurent often striking Therese as she desperately provoked him; until their whole lives are swallowed up in this bitter feuding, a colossal irony considering their earlier passion and love, and their plotting of murder to allow themselves to live a life of luxury and sensual pleasures. Their animalistic traits are what governs them – and leads them into such a state that â€Å"they lived in a hell bitterly and cruelly†¦ trying to push each other over the brink of the precipice which they felt yawning at their feet, and into which they were in fact both already plunging†. The horror that Therese feels is perfectly depicted when she believes herself to be pregnant, and the thought fills her with such despair and dread that she â€Å"offers her stomach to [Laurent’s] blow. She allowed herself to be kicked almost to death in that way, and the next day she had a miscarriage†. Laurent, on the other hand, possesses none of Therese’s apparent rationality – he is driven to distraction, to the point that â€Å"he was literally afraid of Francois [the cat]and flung it with all his strength against the black wall†. Therese and Laurent experience these various stages of fear, hate, indifference, remorse (feigned so well that she ends up believing it) on the part of Therese, and depression. Laurent is described as having â€Å"all the lifegone out of his flesh†. The madness that they succumb to leads them to murder each other – yet, at the point of their ensuing deaths, the two discover that they need the unconsciousness of death; as it is the one place where their torment cannot follow them; â€Å"as they thought back over the past, they felt so weary and disgusted with themselves that they were filled with an immense need for rest, for oblivion. They exchanged a final glanceof gratitude, beforethe glass of poison†. There are some significant similarities with this process that Therese and Laurent undergo and that of Meurseault as he comes to terms with his murder of the Arab. In the early part of the book, the reader sees a Meursault devoid of a spoken consciousness and one who feels total adversity towards society and vice versa. Camus has juxtaposed his character against the norms of society to bring out his stark differences through the usage of Meursaults uncanny ability to register cold, hard facts. Meursault refuses to spend the time and effort required in connecting these facts. This narrative effect can be seen from the opening passage, Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I dont know. Here, we see Meursaults shocking indifference to his mothers death and his event stating quality. He merely recounts the dubious facts of his mothers death as plainly as the telegram had stated it. Throughout the whole process of his attending the funeral is treated with the same jarring coldness. Events and conversation are retold in a photo-journalistic like frankness, chronologically precise from the moment he catches the bus to time when he crawls into bed. Meursault is also one who has virtually no emotion, detached from basic human experiences of love and affection. This can be seen when his fiancà ©e, Marie, provokes an answer, She asked me again if I loved her. I replied, much before, that her question meant nothing or next to nothing- but I supposed I didnt. Curious, she then asks whether he would have given the same answer to another girl who had asked you to marry her, to which he replies in total honesty, Naturally. His inability to feel love is coupled with his almost animalistic mating-like quality where it is a question of when, not whom. His indifference, lack of emotion, and his way of reporting his impressions factually shows little involvement in society, as if he were an outsider, a spectator, who must judge objectively and it is from this that his estrangement from society be felt. Meursault; a middle class bachelor with a painfully simple life, is viewed as indifferent in the eyes of society. He does not care and is not ashamed of it. But his indifference is not one of callousness but stems instead from the â€Å"benign indifference of the universe† in relations to his own existence. The murder which signifies the end of Part One, unwittingly commits Meursault to the laws of society. He suddenly finds himself a victim of societal norms, the very thing he shunned. Here Meursault is obliged to accustom himself to society for his impending fate depends on it. He finds society absurd and it is through this experience that the reader comes to sympathize with Meursaults point of view and evaluates the absurdity of society. While being held, the prison guard discusses with him: â€Å"‘you’re being deprived of your liberty.’ I saw his point. Thats true, I said. Otherwise it wouldnt be a punishment.† Meursault finds this all completely baffling to the point that he has to talk with the warden to find out that prison deprives one of freedom which totally defeats the initial purpose of putting him in jail. While society tries to enforce its ideals on its Meursault, he acts in honest aloofness. In a conversation with the magistrate, In the same weary tone he asked me a last question: Did I regret what I had done? After thinking a bit, I said that what I felt was less regret than a kind of vexation. But he didnt seem to understand. The magistrate wanted to hear that Meursault felt guilty and sorry for what he had done. Instead, Meursault feels annoyance rather than regret, to the frustration of the magistrate. Faced with these challenges, Meursault attempts to make sense of what is happening around him and through it, tries to understand society. In his cell, he makes a conscious effort to learn about his new surroundings, I made a point of visualizing every piece of furniture, and each article upon it, and then every detail, so to speak: a tiny dent or incrustation, or a chipped edge, and the exact grain and colour of the woodwork. This symbolizes his willingness to acquaint himself with an entrapment which is alien to him: society and its workings. However, even on close inspection, he fails to make sense of it and this drives him father away from society. This is evident from an episode he had with his lawyer: â€Å"I wasnt to have any say and my fate was to be decided out of hand. It was quite an effort at times for me to refrain from cutting them all short, and saying: ‘But damn it all, whos on trial in this court, Id like to know? Its a serious matter for a man, being accused of murder. And Ive something really important to tell you.’† Meursault clearly feels frustration from this estrangement which fuels even more reason for his dislike of society and its morals. Through this, he gathers experiential evidence that society is indeed absurd and it does one no good to be a part of it, hence forging an even greater alienation from it. In the concluding chapters, Meursault accepts his fate which enables him to squarely face his death and come to terms with his position in this world. While undergoing this metamorphosis, Meursault discovers his independent consciousness. In prison, he relates, †¦I heard something that I hadnt heard for months. It was the sound of a voice; my own voice, there was no mistaking it†¦ the voice that for many a day of late had been buzzing in my ears. This voice he speaks of is his consciousness, spoken freely, unrestricted, and wholly accessible to his thoughts. This sudden enlightenment allows Meursault the grace of accepting his death. He rationalizes for the first time: â€Å"†¦Its common knowledge that life isnt worth living anyhow†¦ it makes little difference whether one dies†¦ the world would go on as before.† Although he does not wish his death, he embraces it as an end. It did not matter how or when he achieved this end for to him, all ends ended the same- in death. In the final moments before his death, the absurdity of society no longer bothers Meursault for now he deals with the greater elements of truth and reality. Meursault makes peace with himself, but not without a sudden purging of restrained convictions. He gets tangled in an argument with the prison chaplain who in the last moments of his doom, tries to convert him. In his rage, he reveals his ultimate assurance: that he â€Å"was sure of myself, sure about everything†¦ Id been right, I was still right, I was always right. Id pass my life in a certain way, and I might have passed it in a different way, if Id felt like it.† Meursault develops such a rational consciousness that it becomes his moral code of belief, his belief of truth. This sudden outburst gradually forces the felt but unspoken philosophy of his existence to emerge into the open, and to finally express itself in words. It was necessary too for it gave him a new sense of direction: â€Å"I, too, felt ready to start life over again. It was as if that great gush of anger had washed me clean, emptied me of hope, and, I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the universe†¦ Id been happy, and I was happy still.† Meursault at last finds peace within himself. Alienated from society and life itself, he finds honour in death, taking nothing from this world with him, because it gave him nothing. Thus, Meursaults journey towards discovery (and, ironically, death) can be seen as a celebration of the human consciousness, grounded in the human spirit and its ability to overcome the absurd, to triumph when failure seems so imminent. Meursault finally realizes his estrangement from society and disregards what society thinks about him – as long as he is happy with who he is and what he had done. This is on a whole separate level to the feelings of Therese and Laurent: while all three find death a means of escape, and wish it on themselves, they view it as a comfort, to end their tired, self-destructive lives, whereas Meursault seems to find happiness and fulfilment in the idea that he is reaching his destination.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Costa Rica Essay -- South America Culture Research Papers

Costa Rica   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica is a Central American republic located north of Panama and possessing two seacoasts (Pacific-west, Caribbean east). The capital and largest city, San Jose, is located in the central mountain valley. Costa Rica is notable among many Latin American countries for its long-standing democratic form of government. Costa Rica is well known for their hydroelectric plants and agricultural goods. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Government: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital: San Jose 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Country: Costa Rica 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are presidential elections every 4 years. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica has a Democratic Republic. a. The president of the Republic of Costa Rica is Miguel Angel Rodriguez. Which is part of the Christian Unity Party b. Costa Rica is constantly growing and so is their economic system. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their constitution was written November 9, 1949. 6)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica is divided into 7 provinces. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  San Jose its capital city, b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Alajuela, c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cartago, d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heredia, e.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guanacaste, f.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  puntarenas g.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Limo’n. 7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica boarders Panama and Nicaragua 8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The voting age in Costa Rica is 18 years old male/female II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Historical Background 1) Costa Rica was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1502, on his fourth trip to the Americas. He founded Port Limo’n, on the Caribbean coast. Because he was so impressed by the vegetation and the gold/jewelry the natives wore he called it Costa Rica (Coast of Plenty). In 1821 Costa Rica declared independence from Spain. Costa Rica celebrated its 100th anniversary of democracy in 1989. The army was abolished in 1948 by means of a new constitution promoted by Mr. Jose Figueres Ferrer, which was looked upon as a national hero. Ever since there has bean no army and the headquarters was made into a National Museum.Costa Rica has also bean nominated for the Nobel Peace prize 12 times 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The president at the time is Miguel Angel Rodriguez 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three main political parties: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  National Liberation Party b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reformist Organization c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Christian Unity Party 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After WW2 Costa Rica did much like many of the other Latin countries, later causing its economy to start an imbalance and the price compared to one dollar dropped. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The flags seven stars represent the seven provinces, the three volcanoes represent Costa Rica’s three mountain ranges, III.... ...up to 5 or 6 years if you get technical classes) c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  University 8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  President Jose Maria Figueres implied the training of 500 teachers. VII.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sports and Leisure 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The chief sport in Costa Rica like most of South America is soccer (foot ball) 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Water sports like sailing and rafting are also very popular. 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica has a wide range of entertaining activities like scuba diving, sailing, water skiing etc. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica was has not been in any of the recent World Cup matches. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some sports heroes in Costa Rica are Claudia Poll which placed first in the 200m freestyle, and Fredrico Ramirez which was the winner of the cycling tournament in the 1996 Olympic games. Costa Rica’s culture and education are rapidly spreading throughout South America. Costa Rica’s language schools are known to be some of the best in the world. Their economy is also getting better and is expected to keep rising in oncoming years. Costa Rica has a good president and is expected to lead them to a new height by the year 2002 when there is the next election. More religions and cultures are influencing Costa Rica because of attractive scenery and good universities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ecosystemic Psychology Essay

Ecosystemic Psychology – Definitions Definition Epistemology Epistemology is â€Å"the study of the origin, nature and methods, as well as the limits, of knowledge; it is also how things can be known, thus a framework for describing and conceptualizing what is being observed and experienced and it also specifies the nature of the relationship between the researcher (knower) and what can be known† (Terre Blanche & Durrheim, 2006, p. 6; Terre Blanche, Durrheim & Painter, 2006, p. 559; Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2004, p. 507). Theory is â€Å"a general principle or a collection of interrelated general principles that is put forward as an explanation of a set of known facts and empirical findings† (Reber, 1985). Example If for example the researcher needs to rely on people’s subjective experiences of day to day living in an old age home, the researcher could adopt an interactional epistemological stance and make use of interviewing as a method of enquiry. This is reflective of the interpretive approach, â€Å"which aims to explain the subjective reasons and meanings that lie behind social action† (Terre Blanche & Durrheim, 2006, p. 7). Thus, epistemologically the observer needs to be empathetic and subjective in his/her approach. Theory The theory of psychosocial development by Erikson (1963) â€Å"holds that psychosexual growth and psychosocial growth take place together and that at each stage of life we face the task of establishing equilibrium between ourselves and our social world† (cited in Corey, 2009, p. 66). For example, very early in life the infant learns to trust or mistrust. If a baby has a careless parent, that does not meet the babies basic needs the baby can easily develop mistrust. Model A model is â€Å"an ideal, a standard, an example set up as worthy of imitation or copying† (Reber, 1985). Bandura’s social learning theory is well known in the discipline of psychology. Bandura did an experiment with a ‘Bobo Doll’ in which he used a live model of observational learning where children observed adults acting violently toward the doll. In the end the children imitated similar behaviour toward the Bobo Doll ( developmentalpsychology/a/sociall earning.htm). Technique A technique is â€Å"a fairly specific, learned procedure or set of procedures for accomplishing some specific goal† (Reber, 1985). Systematic sampling is an example of a technique. In systematic sampling a â€Å"fixed distance between elements is calculated† (Durrheim & Painter, 2006, p. 135). For example 100 out of a sampling frame of 1000, the interval will be calculated as follow: 1000/100 = 10. Thus every 10th element will be selected until there is a sample of 100.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

SeniorServ Practice

Mohammad ChowhanAmerican Public UniversitySeniorServ, Adult Day Health CareSecuring Home, Health & HeartAnaheim, CaliforniaInstructor: Dr. Carter-Mccummings, JewelMarch 22, 2018Abstract. I chose my practicum site because of several reasons. Selecting SeniorServ practicum has numerous benefits to facilitate selecting public health career. As an intern, I have the opportunity to experience the type of work that could be performed in the position, to determine if my skills match the work that is essential and to evaluate whether that work is what I could see myself accomplishment day in and day out in a enjoyable career. One of the fastest growing areas of health care is elder care. As people age and find themselves with increased health issues, the need for dependent care often tops their list as they plan for the years ahead. More and more seniors are choosing to stay in their homes as long as possible and that can put a burden on the primary caregivers who may not have the time or the ability to provide the necessary care. Providing a healthy, interactive environment for the dependent adult can give the caregivers relief from constant care for their loved one. There are many opportunities in the adult day care area. Maybe one of these is a perfect match for me. SeniorServ Adult Health Day Care is a non-profit, client centered, day program for older adults living in the Orange County Area. Most of our participants vary in levels of dependency from mild to severe and often have a chronic illness. SeniorServ's main goal is to keep families and their loved ones united within their respective communities and homes for as long as possible through an integrated care program which includes daily activities, Physical ; occupational therapies, nursing and personal care services. SeniorServ Adult Health Day Care operate smoothly is challenging and rewarding. There are opportunities in planning events, transportation, scheduling, finance, public relations/ presentations, fundraising, supervision, crisis management and recruitment as well as meaningful daily interaction with the program participants we serve. Each brings its own reward.IntroductionFor 50 years SeniorServ has been the largest nonprofit senior nutrition and supportive service provider in Orange County, serving nearly  one million meals  to over  10,000 at-risk older adults annually. We deliver programs and services that reduce hunger and improve wellness for seniors so that they may live independently in the homes and communities they love. The organization was originally incorporated in 1967 as Feedback Foundation. In 2006 Feedback Foundation and Senior Meals and Services merged creating SeniorServ,  providing the capacity for meeting the growing and diverse needs of older adults in our community. SeniorServ leverages its 22,000 square foot commercial kitchen and warehouse to process all our foods while providing social enterprise opportunities to the community at large.SeniorServ is proud to celebrate 50 years of programs and services that diminish hunger and loneliness for penurious seniors. Although a lot has changed since our humble beginnings in 1967, one thing that has remained is our commitment to helping older adults stay in their homes, preserve their dignity, and maintain their independence. With your support, we can give support – bringing them healthy meals, providing friendship, and, often, offering the only human contact they have all week long. Home-delivered meals, Case Management, Adult Day Services, health related rehabilitation. Friendly Visitors, Care Circles, and Care Coordination work at keeping seniors in Orange County living in the homes and communities they love. Good nutrition is the basis of good health. Meals on Wheels and Senior Center lunches throughout the county deliver healthy nutrition. Adult Day Health Care safeguards health through supervision, and therapies. Care Coordination reduces health risks after hospitalization. Compassionate care in our Adult Day Health Centers, friends and activities at Adult Day Services, companionship from a Friendly Visitor and support from a Care Circle are just a few ways SeniorServ makes sure older adults are happy, connected and feeling loved. MissionTo nourish the wellness, purpose, and dignity of seniors and their families in our community.Values of SeniorServCompassion: We are caring ; compassionate in all we do. Integrity: We are always honest and ethical. Respect: We treat every person with dignity and respect. Excellence: We deliver on our mission with excellence and professionalism. Communication: We listen and speak openly with each other. Innovation: We create an environment where innovation and possibilities thrive. Indispensable GoalsCollaborate with other elder advocates and seniors focused organizations to develop a strategy for the enactment of federal and state legislation that is of benefit to California older adults. Ensure that basic, essential in-home and in facility support services, both medical and non-medical are available to older senior adults.Develop a patient-centered community case management model for chronic care and successful transitions along the care continuum including transitions from and to hospitals, other care facilities, and homes. Explore and implement best practices for integrated assessment and treatment mental health, substance abuse, and cognitive decline, including access to a geriatric treatment progress.Enhance awareness of the importance of nutrition, exercise, brain fitness, socialization, and spirituality in the aging well process.Service Delivered in SeniorServAdult Day Health Care (ADHC) is designed for individuals with physical and mental impairments under SeniorServ. This center provides supportive therapies to enable individuals and their loved ones to maintain as much as daily independence as possible. Nursing and MedicalPersonal Care Physical TherapyOccupational TherapySpeech and Cognitive TherapySocial ServicesDietary ; Nutritional ServicesStimulating Exercise HallTransportationRespite for CaregiversWeekly Public Health Awareness Discussion SessionsCollaborations with Other Organizations ; AgenciesSeniorServ has deep collaboration with other organizations and agencies for effective implications. Agencies and organizations are as follows:Alignment HealthcareKaiser PermanenteSCANSt, Joseph HealthActive Care LivingSilveradoLocations of SeniorServAnaheim Health Day Care CenterSanta Ana/ Tustin Health Day Care CenterBuena Part Senior CenterPreceptor's CredentialsMr. Giovanni Corzo, vice president home & Care Services, Overseas SeniorServ's direct care services. Chair of the OneCare Connect Member Advisory Committee (OCCMAC). He represents California MediConnect Plan member (Medicare-Medicaid).Important Public Health Issues Being Addressed in Practicum SiteChronic Health Conditions: More than 80% of elderlies have at least heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Cognitive Health: The most mutual cognitive health issue facing the elderly is dementia, the loss of those cognitive functions. The most generic form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, though there is no cure for dementia, a treatment plan & medications to manage this disease is helpful, like different activities, puzzle-based exercises. SeniorServ has fully fledged sections under physical therapy, occupational therapy and aids for above purpose. Mental Health: A common mental disorder among seniors is depression. Unfortunately, this mental disorder, often undiagnosed & undertreat. But social and other activities-based exercises are very helpful to ease. Promoting lifestyle of healthy living such as betterment of living condition and social support from family, friends or supporting groups can help treat depression. SeniorServ has daily activities including † Lets color it† , Mà ºsica and health awareness sessions. Physical Injuries: The leading cause of injury among elderlies is increasing, due to age, bones cause to shrink and muscle to lose strength & flexibility, senior are most vulnerable. These problems are handled at SeniorServ through education, increased physical activities and practical modification. Malnutrition: Malnutrition in older adults leads to health complications, such as a weakened immune system and muscle weakness. Registered Dietitian and nutrition staff SeniorServ are doing their job to work on healthy breakfast & lunch at regular basis.Sensory Impairments: Sensory impairments, such as vision and hearing, are extremly common for elders. Regading eyes and ears, nursing center take care on daily basis.Bladder Control & Constipation: Incontinence and constpation are common cmplications in senior adults. Center manages elders' food according to their digestive condition. Nursing staff and caregivers are always ready to manage elders' needs. My Contributions at SeniorServHelped Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy staff during therapy sessions.Helped caregivers and nutritional staff during their serving and preparation time.Assisted Activity director during daily tasks and lead small groups.Be part of team who prepared health literature for awareness. I lead small group sessions on public health awareness topics as: Fast Food: Good or Bad Nutrition and Diet Engineered Food for Health Role of Genes in spreading diseases Alcoho, Tobacco and other legal & Illegal Drugs Benefits of Spices, Herbs & Minerals Relationship of Practicum Activities to Student's Academic WorkMy specialty in public health is a reason that I chose SeniorServ for my practicum.Active Living Every Day (ALED) at SeniorServ uses facilitated group-based problem-solving methods to integrate physical activity into everyday living.Enhance Fitness Program is highly adaptable exercise program offering levels that are challenging enough for active older adults and levels that are safe enough for the unfit or near frail.Healthy Moves for Aging Well is a simple and safe in-door physical activity intervention developed and tested by Partners in Care to enhance the activity level of frail, high-risk sedentary seniors living at home. Usefullness, Impact ; Relevance of Selected Practicum on My Planned CareerDuring my stay at SeniorServ, I learned so many new things plus polished my existing skills.I am planning to work for wellness center or advising center that gives awareness in public health, regarding nutrition, healthy activities and social interactions.My Recommendations for the Future Direction of Practicum SiteI recommended them for health awareness discussion among seniors. I started that since in the beginning on weekly basis.I touched topics on nutrition, healthy living, daily fitness exercises.I talked to different senior groups on general health.I recommended to director that talk to individuals and find out their interest and link that help to improve their health.Recommended and be part of leading short talks about health and social issues.Practicum Students should have access to seniors' personal/medical records. Due to my recommendations, I assist SeniorServ's nutritional staff. All centers like SeniorServ don't allow volunteer to physical help in PT & OT areas without initial training. Center is ready to do arrangements for practicum/Inter/volunteers to have initial PT & OT initial training.Evaluations of Overall Practicum Experience & SuggestionsInvolve older adult and youth groups in planning appropriate intergenerational volunteer opportunities for seniors to remain engaged in the community.Integrate a wide range of updated older adult health, recreational, and fitness related activities, such as Pilates and spinning, into existing programsTo enhance the quality of academic learning about elder care issues and policy in various disciplines by integrating meaningful community service into courseworkPracticum DeliverablesFit or Fat (Exercise Program) CopyWeekly Discussion Session Progress Reports (Copy)Mentor/Practicum Agreement (Copy)Leisure ActivitiesDaily Visiting Schedule of Seniors to Nursing Room Brain GamesMonthy Log of Practicum Student at SeniorServ.(Copy)ReferencesHarrigan, B. (2018). Senior Internship. Retrieved March 23,2018 from, R. (2017). Health Promotion and Wellness Management. Retrieved March 23, 2018 From, A. (2016). How interns shape the culture and tech of 20 Chicago companies. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from, G. (2016). Internship Reflection Papers. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from, S., Preetha, GS. (2012). Health Promotion: An Effective Tool for Global Health. Retrieved February 21, 2018 from American Heart Association (AHA. (2015). Eating Fast Food. Retrieved February 21, 2018 from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2017). A Public Health Action Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke. Retrieved February 21, 2018 from National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI). (2017). Three Public Health Training Needs Rise to the Top. Retrieved February 21, 2018 from omplete and submit 15 – 25 page reflective paper (12-pt Times New Roman font; double spaced; title page; page numbers-bottom center; APA style, citations & at least  7 references)**The format of the final paper may vary based upon the student's location and activities; however, the following items must be discussed:a. Provide an overview of the practicum agency (organization's mission, organization's goals, location, collaboration with other local, national or international public health agencies, preceptor's credentials)b. Describe current public health issue(s) being addressed during the course of student's practicum experiencec. Describe contributions the student has made during their involvement in practicum experienced. Summarize the relation of the practicum activities to student's academic work and/or concentration areae. Summarize the usefulness, impact and relevance the selected practicum on the student's planned careerf. Provide recommendations for the future direction of practicum agency addressing public health issues on a local, national, and international levelg. Evaluation of overall practicum experience (assessment of overall experience, positive and negative aspects of experience, new skills/knowledge gained, suggestions to faculty for improving future practicum experiences)h. Submit a copy of your deliverables online (Your paper WILL NOT be graded and will receive a zero grade if deliverables are not attached with your  reflection paper).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay Sample on Effects of Recession on Students

Essay Sample on Effects of Recession on Students Example Essay on Effects of Recession on Students: (College life has many challenges that lead to a combination of problems that are propelled by inefficiency in service delivery as well as incompetence. These can be dealt with all the same if proper procedures are taken by relevant stakeholders). As inevitable the recession might seem to be to the economic life of the world, its effects have proved to be more widespread and devastating than we can imagine them to be. Imagine waking up to find firms and industries downsizing their workforce, prices of basic commodities rising by the minute, cost of healthcare being far from affordable, crime rate and insecurity being the only topic of the day due to super high cost of living, and as if not enough, the most important sector of civilization, education becoming so expensive beyond the reach of the modern day small family that tags its future on the little kids dressed in their school uniform hoping that one day they will finish school and get employed with a decent income to bring back home. These forces youth to resort to crude money making methods like selling drugs, prostitution and theft. The Recession is the period when the economic output is decreasing instead of increasing thus having the effect of reducing tax revenues to the government. This Forces the Government to dig deeper into reserves and external borrowing to suffice its expenditure, thus plunging the economy into debts, causing effects such as inflation. Inflation directly boils down to the individual citizen who has to spend more on goods and services as the cost of living escalates. Crime rate has been increasing as a result of the high cost of living brought about by recession. This is as a result of many students resorting to theft and fraud in order to get an extra dollar for their upkeep and tuition fees. This will lead to student living with fear as their property is always at risk of loss and they are afraid of being harmed due to the violence that is associated with stealing. The rise in crime rates will affects the concentration of students as they cannot fully concentrate on their studies because of concern on the security of their property. Crime rate also brings about insecurity around the campus since the affinity of students to steal has risen. This creates an in conducive environment for studying and thus the students grades will drop significantly. Parents are not able to support students effectively because some have lost their jobs due to employers downsizing firms. This will cause a degree in performance of students because low standards of living give the student a hard time and thus they are not able to have concentration in their studies thereby affecting their performance in class. In order to achieve good grades, peace of mind is essential to be able to grasp what is being taught during lectures and personal studies. This is evident by a survey done about the recession and its effects on students, where it reported that one in four students would receive less financial support from their parents or guardians as a result of the recession. A survey done about recession effect on graduate employment shows that many students are scared that they will not be able to get employment when they graduate because of the recession. Students will become extremely demoralized when they work so hard to get perfect grades, only to realize that there are no employment opportunities for them in the job market. This makes some students even drop out if college to start self proprietor businesses in the attempt to make a living. Or in other cases, drop out completely since they cannot be able to pay bills as they no longer participate actively in part time jobs which initially enabled them to pay some or most of their bills like housing and school fees. The tuition fees of most students is funded either by loans from the government or financial institutions. The recession leaves the students stranded with hefty loans because even after finishing college, they are unable to service their education loans since they are unemployed. This no twithstanding, the heavy interest rates that are attached on the loans upon borrowing are attached to this effect. Budget constraints also affect a very sensitive department of student loans and aid. This department focuses on helping students have a smooth education by trying to meet their financial needs, I personally being a beneficiary of this program. Cut backs on this department will force other students out of college and might lead to unrest in college which normally disrupts studies for a while. On the issue of budget cuts or budget constraints as a result of recession, we find that budget constraints affect the college programs, for example; course offering programs and general student activities like sports and extra curricula activities, outreach programs and inter campus programs among others. We find that all these programs might end up competing for funding because of reduced funding due to the budget cuts; hence all of these programs have to consider taking the financial cut backs to coexist and allow the programs to continue even though they can barely start with these minimal funds. The other issue is on the number of classes offered. There are fewer classes offered in college and this makes it difficult for students to meet their intended goals. This leads to students paying very high for tutorials since the college has no more tutoring rooms. Books have in turn become very expensive for normal students to buy. Finally, these effects of recession and budget cutbacks being just the tip of the iceberg, recession and budget cuts heavily affect our studies and general welfare as students here in college, all we ask and pray for is for the government to see into it that at least students are considered as a special group who haven’t fully developed their own wings to fly independently, thus to support us during this harsh times by exempting us from budget cuts and allocating emergency kitties to support us during the recession. Also, to see into the issue of unemployment such that fresh graduates are absorbed directly into the employment category swiftly to at least enable us to clear the heavy education loans that are pegged to our certificates. This at least will give us a chance to not only start our own lives, but to support our young ones at home and our families who have put a lot of effort in our education to see us succeed in the future. Help us build a brighter future.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Ten Thanksgiving Thoughts FromLiterature

Ten Thanksgiving Thoughts FromLiterature Thanksgiving is a time of abundance: of food, of family, of friends. Here are ten thoughts from authors who have reflected on the holiday in many different ways. 1. â€Å"One Day is there of the Series / Termed Thanksgiving Day. / Celebrated part at Table / Part in Memory.† ~ Emily Dickinson 2.   â€Å"’I do like to begin seasonable and have things to my mind. Thanksgivin’ dinners can’t be drove, and it does take a sight of victuals to fill all these hungry stomicks,’ said the good woman, as she gave a vigorous stir to the great kettle of cider applesauce, and cast a glance of housewifely pride at the fine array of pies set forth on the buttery shelves.† ~ An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott 3.   Historian and essayist Sarah Vowell knows not all family gatherings are Norman Rockwell scenes. Here are a few lines from her essay, The First Thanksgiving, from her collection, The Partly Cloudy Patriot: When I invited my mom and dad to come to New York City to have Thanksgiving dinner at my house, I never expected them to say yes. Not only had they never been to New York, they had never been east of the Mississippi. Nor had they ever visited me. Ive always had these fantasies about being in a normal family in which the parents come to town and their adult daughter spends their entire visit daydreaming of suicide. Im here to tell you dreams really do come true. 4.   Oh, my! Its fruitcake weather, Buddy! ~ From The Thanksgiving Visitor, in Truman Capotes A Christmas Memory 5.   If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, thank you, that would suffice.   ~Meister Eckhart 6.   For each new morning with its light, / For rest and shelter of the night, / For health and food, for love and friends, / For everything Thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 7.   From humorist Dave Barry: Thanksgiving is also a spiritual time of quiet reflection - a time when we pause to remember, as generations have remembered before us, that an improperly cooked turkey is - in the words of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - a ticking Meat Bomb of Death.† 8.   Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.   ~William Shakespeare 9.   Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England two or three centuries ago when those people recognized that they really had something to be thankful for annually, not oftener if they had succeeded in exterminating their neighbors, the Indians, during the previous twelve months instead of getting exterminated by their neighbors, the Indians.   Thanksgiving Day became a habit, for the reason that in the course of time, as the years drifted on, it was perceived that the exterminating had ceased to be mutual and was all on the white mans side, consequently on the Lords side; hence it was proper to thank the Lord for it and extend the usual annual compliments.   ~Mark Twain 10.     Anne Frank: I do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the fields, nature and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The ABCs of APR Everything You Need to Know

The ABCs of APR Everything You Need to Know SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you look at a loan or credit card offer, you’ll see the term â€Å"APR,† or annual percentage rate, popping up all over the place. What is APR, exactly, and why is it important when taking out a loan or choosing a credit card? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about annual percentage rate and how you can use it to understand the annual costs of a loan or credit line. To start, let’s establish a working definition of APR. What Is APR? What is APR? What does APR stand for? APR stands for annual percentage rate, and it tells you the total amount of interest and fees you’ll pay each year on borrowed money. It’s a more comprehensive value than interest rate, and it’s meant to help you compare loans and credit cards on a standardized basis. APR is presented as a percentage of the total amount borrowed, or the principal. That being said, APR works differently on loans than it does on credit cards. Let’s take a closer look at both, starting with loans. How Does APR Work on Loans and Mortgages? On a loan or mortgage, APR tells you to the total amount of interest and fees you’ll pay each year. The types of fees depend on the type of loan. On a personal loan, for instance, a common additional fee is an origination fee. On a home loan, the main additional fee is closing costs. If your loan or mortgage doesn’t have any fees, then the APR will equal the annual interest rate. Let’s say you borrow $100,000 at a 5% interest rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. You pay $1,000 in closing costs. Your APR, then, is 5.1% (interest rate + closing costs, as a percentage of the principal). You would pay $5.10 each year for every $100 you borrowed. APR includes closing costs, so it’s a more realistic representation of your long-term costs than the annual interest rate is. Because of the Truth in Lending Act of 1968, lenders must calculate loan APR in the same way. This consistency allows you to compare offers and clearly see your long-terms costs. APR gives customers a quick and easy way to compare the terms of loans or mortgages on an apples-to-apples basis. By knowing the APR, you can use an APR calculator to calculate your monthly payments and figure out how much you’ll end up paying in fees and interests. Usually, a lower APR means you’ll spend less money over the long term. To see why, consider the example of a $200,000 mortgage below with two loan APRs that differ by just a few percentage points. Thanks to the 1968 Truth in Lending Act, all lenders must calculate APR in the same way. Examples of APR on a 30-Year Mortgage Let’s consider two scenarios using a $200,000 mortgage. In the first scenario, you get a 5.5% APR on a 30-year mortgage. In the second, you manage to get just a 5.2% APR over 30 years. By comparing the two rates, you can see how much money you save in the long run with an APR that’s only slightly lower than another one. Scenario 1: $200k Mortgage With a 5.5% APR Using Bankrate’s APR calculator, let’s consider a $200,000 mortgage over a 30-year term with a 5.5% APR. To pay off this mortgage over 30 years, you’d have a monthly payment of $1,135.58. After 30 years, you’d end up paying a total of $408,807. Since you initially took out $200,000, this means you’d end up paying $208,807 in interest and other fees. Scenario 2: $200k Mortgage With a 5.2% APR What if your APR was a bit lower, say 5.2%? How much would you save in the long run? With a 5.2% APR on a $200,000 loan, you’d pay $1,098.22 a month for 30 years for a total of $395,361. Your additional costs would add up to $195,361 - a large amount, but significantly lower than the costs incurred with a 5.5% APR. You would pay $13,446 less on a $200k, 30-year mortgage with a 5.2% APR than you would with a 5.5% APR. As you can see, getting a mortgage with a slightly lower APR can save you a significant amount of money in the long run. When you're shopping for a mortgage, you should compare offers to get the best deal. Now that you have a sense of how APR works on a loan or mortgage, let’s look closer at how annual percentage rates work on credit cards. When you're choosing a 30-year mortgage, remember that a difference of just one or two percentage points in an APR can make a big difference in your long-term costs. How Does APR Work on Credit Cards? When you look at a credit card, you’ll see several APRs. Credit cards have different APR for different types of transactions, like one for making purchases and another for transferring cash. For most people, the APR related to making purchases is the most important rate. On credit cards, APRs don’t typically include additional fees related to cash advances or late payments. Rather, they reflect the daily periodic rate, or the interest that’s calculated on your account each and every day, over the entire year. If you want to know your daily periodic rate, then you can simply take the APR and divide it by 365. How do credit cards come up with APR? They use the U.S. prime rate and then add their own margin. For instance, the prime rate could be 5% and the issuer could charge a 12% margin. The APR, then, would be 17%. APR on a credit card could stay the same from year to year, or it could fluctuate along with the U.S. prime rate. APRs that change are called floating or variable APRs. Your APR may also depend on your creditworthiness, as you’ll see in the example below. People with higher credit scores get a lower APR, and people with lower credit scores get a higher APR. Credit card companies may also offer promotional APRs when you open a new account. You could get 0% APR on purchases for the first year. After that promotional period, the APR would return to the normal rate. While you’ll see a lot of promotions regarding APR from credit card companies, you should keep in mind that APR may not matter. In fact, it shouldn’t even be a factor for many people. Read on to learn why. Are you making a purchase? Transferring cash? A credit card usually has several APRs, one for each kind of transaction. APR on Credit Cards: Does It Matter? If you pay off your full credit card balance every month, then you will never have to pay interest. For all intents and purposes, your APR is always 0%. To use a credit card responsibly, you should always pay off your full balance every month. Credit card interest rates are high, and carrying a balance is one of the quickest ways to get into debt. If you’re spending more than you can afford to pay off within the month, then you need to step back, make a budget, and take steps to control your personal finances. If you’re using a credit card well, then the promotional and regular APR offers should not matter. Instead, you can choose a credit card based on other perks, like cash back and travel points. Speaking of travel rewards, let’s look at one of the best cards for travel points, the Chase Sapphire card, to get a sense of its various APR structures. If you pay off your full credit card balance every month, then your purchase APR will be 0%. Example of APR on the Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card Here are the various APRs on the Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card, as borrowed from its website. Notice how it offers a range of rates, based on your â€Å"creditworthiness.† The first is the one that applies to credit card purchases, while the others have to do with other transactions. INTEREST RATES AND INTEREST CHARGES Purchase Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 16.24% to 23.24%, based on your creditworthiness. These APRs will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Balance Transfer APR 16.24% to 23.24%, based on your creditworthiness. These APRs will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Cash Advance APR 25.24%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Overdraft Advance APR 25.24%. This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. How does Chase Sapphire calculate its credit card APR rates? It uses the U.S. prime rate as of December 22, 2015, which was set at 3.5%. According to Chase, â€Å"We add 12.74% to 19.74% to the Prime Rate to determine the Purchase/Balance Transfer APR...We add 21.74% to the Prime Rate to determine the Cash Advance/Overdraft Advance APR.† As with many other lenders, Chase sets its own margin and adds this margin to the prime rate. Then, it assigns APRs based on the creditworthiness of each individual. Again, credit card APR might not come into play if you pay your balance off in full from month to month. It’s still important to know what you’re signing up for, though, just so you understand the costs that you can incur from using a credit card. In closing, let’s go over the key points you need to remember about APR, including what it is and how you can use it to decide between loans, mortgages, or credit cards. Some credit cards have a floating APR that fluctuate along with the prime rate. APR: Just the Basics APR, or annual percentage rate, works a little differently on loans than it does on credit cards. A loan APR tells you what percentage of your loan or mortgage you’ll be paying in interest and other fees each year. Because it incorporates costs beyond interest, APR is a more inclusive rate than interest rate. If there are no additional costs, then the loan APR will be the same as the annual interest rate. Since all lenders must calculate APR in the same way, APR helps consumers compare loan and mortgage offers on a standardized basis. In most cases, you’ll save money by getting the lowest APR you can. If you’re comparing credit card offers, remember that the â€Å"purchase APR† is likely the most relevant piece of data. Ideally, you won’t be paying any interest on your credit card. If you always pay off your monthly balances in full, then you can choose a credit card based on its rewards and points structure rather than on its various APRs. Whenever you’re taking out a loan or opening a card, make sure to read the ins and outs of any contract before you sign it. By looking at APR, you can gain a clear understanding of your long-term costs. What's Next? Which credit card is best for you? Check out our personal spending quiz to find the best credit card for your habits. Do you want to take a more proactive approach to managing your finances? Check out our 7-step guide for taking control of your personal finances. Are you starting to think about investing in the stock market? Check out our full guide to figure out what kind of investor you are and learn how to invest in the stock market.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ardipithecus Ramidus and Its Relationship to Humans and Chimpanzees Term Paper

Ardipithecus Ramidus and Its Relationship to Humans and Chimpanzees - Term Paper Example The hominoid gap is the first and is said to date back to approximately 22-32 million years ago. This is the period that the human and ape ancestors were diverging from the monkeys’ evolution path. The other gap is the hominid gap and is estimated to date back to about 4.5 to 14 million years ago. It is believed that during this period, the human ancestors and extant ape ancestors separated from a common evolution path. Hominids refer to the human ancestors after the divergence from the last common ancestor with extant apes. Recently, fossil evidence bridging the hominid gap was discovered in 1992 in Aramis, Northern Ethiopia by a group of researchers. The discovery of Ardipithecus ramidus changes the initial belief that the common ancestor between man and extant apes looked more like a chimpanzee. The characteristics of the Ardipithecus ramidus are more similar to those of humans and therefore, the extant apes must have developed their traits after their evolution path and th at of humans separated. This discussion explores the Ardipithecus ramidus’ relationship to Chimpanzees and humans. Ardipithecus Ramidus Ardipithecus ramidus is believed to be 4.4 million years old and its discovery has changed the belief that human beings evolved from chimpanzees. Ardipithecus ramidus walked upright like humans and had a big toe for holding trees like apes. Before the discovery of Ardipithecus ramidus, the oldest early human skeleton was that of Australopithecus afarensis, also known as Lucy. Lucy is believed to be 3.2 million years old. Australopithecus afarensis was also discovered in Ethiopia and had many common characteristics with human beings. Therefore, the earlier ancestry between humans and apes was missing. The first specimen of Ardipithecus ramidus was discovered in 1992. The fossils were found in sediment layers which are approximately 4.4 million years old. The skull, arms feet, pelvis, and teeth were later discovered. The features of Ardipithecu s ramidus such as lack of ape-like canines show that she was not an ancestor of modern chimpanzees (White et al., 2009). Studies of evolution have been trying to determine the reason for the distinctiveness of human beings in terms of being bipedal, having high intellectual and technological capabilities, and other traits that distinguish them from extant apes. Before the discovery of Ardipithecus ramidus fossils, the evolution of humans was based on the characteristics of African apes. It was believed that these unique abilities that humans possess evolved from the modification of the traits of chimpanzees and bonobos, which are the closest human relatives. Human behavior was viewed as a modification of the chimpanzees’ characteristics such as the dominance of males, hunting, culture, upright feeding posture, among others (Harrison, 2010). The discovery of Ardipithecus ramidus sheds light into the period of hominid development after splitting from the common ancestor with ap es. Before Ardipithecus ramidus was discovered, scientists believed that the last common ancestor looked more like a chimpanzee than humans. They believed that the modern apes got many of their traits from this ancestor, such as walking on knuckles and hanging and swinging on trees. Characteristics of apes such as short backs, limbs, and pelvis which are appropriate for walking on knuckles and arms for swinging and hanging on trees were believed to have originated from the last common ancestor. It was believed that after the split, the human ancestors dropped the characteristics of the common ancestor such as sharp canines and walking on knuckles while the ancestors of the chimpanzees retained them up to the present. However, these beliefs are refuted by Ardipithecus

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration Research Proposal

The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration - Research Proposal Example It has been estimated that the added cost to the federal government will be more than $15 billion per year when the present illegal aliens become citizens and begin collecting welfare benefits. The proposed bill will add greatly to this number because it will encourage a new surge of low skilled workers through its guest worker program. Traditionally, immigrants to the U.S. were less likely than those born in America to collect welfare. This historic arrangement has radically changed over the past three decades. Today, immigrant families are at least 50 percent more likely to receive federal benefits than those born in this country. Additionally, immigrants are more likely to adapt their lives to rely on the welfare system and studies have shown the longer immi ¬grants stay in the U.S., the more likely they are to be on welfare. To further aggravate the situation, when an illegal immigrant becomes a citizen, he can legally bring his parents who also have the right to become citi ¬zens. The estimated long-term cost of overall federal benefits could exceed $50 billion per year for the parents of the 10 million beneficiaries of amnesty. â€Å"In the long run, the bill, if enacted, would be the largest expansion of the welfare state in 35 years† (Rector, 2006). Approximately half of current illegal immigrants do not possess a high-school level education. Welfare use among this group and for low-skill immigrants granted amnesty is three times the rate for the U.S. born citizens.

A Job Well Done Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Job Well Done - Essay Example A Job Well Done She did not tell me to do this or that; she just let me do things on my own. One of the toughest things to do was getting out of bed early to prepare breakfast. My younger siblings had to make do with cereals and milk for breakfast because I am not so comfortable working at the kitchen. I brought my mother something to eat in her room, a sandwich and some warm milk, went back to the kitchen because I also had to clean the table afterwards and put everything in the dishwasher. That time I felt like it was the longest morning in my life. I got used to going out of my room when breakfast is ready then go back to my room after eating. After doing the morning chores, I checked our refrigerator to see what I can prepare for lunch. I had no idea what to cook so I just stared blankly on the vegetables and meat that was in the refrigerator. I kept thinking I have to prepare a decent meal for my mom so she can gain back her strength and get better right away. It’s a good thing that we are so equipped with technology that the internet can give you all the small details in cooking – just like a guide for dummies. I ended up making some pasta for me and my siblings and a soup for my mother. It was my first time to cook pasta just by myself. Even if I had the convenience of canned spaghetti sauce and ready to cook pasta, it was still a tough job to do because I had to make sure that I will be able to cook something worth eating.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings Essay

Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings - Essay Example Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings In client/server architecture, the application and database reside on one host computer, the file server and each server is accessible by all computers on the network. The Internet transmits data from host to client server, and if it finds the receiving computer on a network to which the first computer is directly connected, it sends the message directly. If the receiving computer is not on the same network as the sending computer, the sending computer relays the message to another computer that can forward it. The same way the computers communicate through the network to access Internet. Network that link systems worldwide to access the Internet pass data in form of chunks called Packets, each of which carries the address of its sender and its receiver. The set of conventions used to pass packets from one host to another is known as Internet Protocol (IP). In order to access the Internet one must have an account with the service provider and software that allows a direct link via TCP/IP. LAN/WAN servers are used for communication. Internet is a connection of interconnected networks, which are capable of freely exchanging information while WWW is an Internet service-comprising tens of thousands of independently owned computers that work together as one. These computers are called web servers scattered all over the world and contain every type of data.

International business Case Analysis - Wal-Mart Essay

International business Case Analysis - Wal-Mart - Essay Example Why was Wal-Mart unsuccessful in Germany, withdrawing in 2006, and relatively successful in the UK? 12 Reference 16 How attractive was the discount retailing industry in the USA when Wal-Mart first began operations in the 1950s. The US retail industry has considerably changed over the few decades due to two related trends, one being the discount retailing and second factor is the increasing prevalence of the large retail chains. The discounting retailing sector is controlled by chains. The concept is fairly new and the first discount store appeared in the 1950s. Discount retailing is one of the most dynamic sectors in the retail industry. Until 1990s two important retail chains were Wal-Mart and Kmart (Jia, 2007, p. 5). The retailing industry is known to be the second largest industry across the globe with respect to total number of establishment as well as total number of employees. The retail industry generates about $3.8trillion annually. The top five retail industry operating acr oss the world are Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Costco and Kroger. Wal-Mart apart from being the largest retailer globally is also the largest company and generates approximately $256billion sales annually. In discount retailing industry the two main competitors are Wal-Mart and Target. ... With regards to Wal-Mart, suppliers who do not maintain or live up to the expectation of Wal-Mart point of system are thus replaced. Wal-Mart being a big brand and is powerful enough to make the suppliers recognise the fact and the situation when they do good business and thus can very conveniently switch suppliers at its convenience when they do not perform the work as expected. The suppliers also cannot afford to lose on the big brands, the key players and hence the supplier power tends to be low. As shown above the bargaining powers of customer are relative high as discount retail purchase can be substitutable and thus consumers has the power to go between the competitors depicting a high bargaining power. The switching cost involved in shifting from one competitor to another is also low and the consumers demand for high quality products at discount price. It is important to understand that consumer as individual does not have bargaining power with the retail stores but as a group consumers can demand a higher quality product at low price. Consumers are also price sensitive as a result the suppliers need to keep the price low to succeed indicating high customer power. Threat of new entrant is particularly low in the discount retailing industry as there exist a high barrier to enter the discounted retail industry with respect to investors, capital and competition. The huge capital required by a new entrant to compete with all the established retailers will take a longer time and establish them in the retail market. Although the switching cost is low for the consumers but brand loyalty towards a particular brand are relatively high and consumer would not like to shift towards a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings Essay

Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings - Essay Example Understanding of the Internets core elements & workings In client/server architecture, the application and database reside on one host computer, the file server and each server is accessible by all computers on the network. The Internet transmits data from host to client server, and if it finds the receiving computer on a network to which the first computer is directly connected, it sends the message directly. If the receiving computer is not on the same network as the sending computer, the sending computer relays the message to another computer that can forward it. The same way the computers communicate through the network to access Internet. Network that link systems worldwide to access the Internet pass data in form of chunks called Packets, each of which carries the address of its sender and its receiver. The set of conventions used to pass packets from one host to another is known as Internet Protocol (IP). In order to access the Internet one must have an account with the service provider and software that allows a direct link via TCP/IP. LAN/WAN servers are used for communication. Internet is a connection of interconnected networks, which are capable of freely exchanging information while WWW is an Internet service-comprising tens of thousands of independently owned computers that work together as one. These computers are called web servers scattered all over the world and contain every type of data.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

SCCT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SCCT - Coursework Example The theories usually ensure that the reputation of the company is not dented resulting from a problem or difficulty found in an organization. A company has to communicate with its stakeholders so that they can be well aware of the things that are happening in the company. The theories to show that communication in times of a crisis should be able to maintain and construct perceptions of reality among the stakeholders involved. The response approaches that are found in SCCT include impression of management, synthesis of work, and image repair. Coombs gave four approaches for communication. The approaches include bolstering, rebuilding, denial, and diminishment. In any business, there may be a number of crises that may arise; the way the crisis is tackled will depend on the way the manager perceives and reacts to the given situation. The field of sociology usually provides a number of theories that show how a person can conduct himself in case of a crisis (Weick & Sutcliffe 2007, 42). The business field usually examines sense making ways and processes that can be used in leadership to ensure smooth flow of operations in an organization (Ramo 2009, 52). A business should be perfectly organized to ensure that any difficult situations that may arise are tackled in a perfect manner that will not interrupt with the smooth flow of business. A leader should be creative and innovative in the way he or she solves any crisis or problem that exist in the company (Sellnow, et al 2002, 201). The theories also provide a way in which an organization can cope up with the learning theory. The theory will involve the recruitment and training of new employees in a company (Martin 2009, 123). In conclusion, situational crisis communication theories should be studied to ensure that all problems arising are tackled in the appropriate manner (Ware & Linkugel 1973,

Monday, October 14, 2019

8th of march Essay Example for Free

8th of march Essay Happy womens day! International Womens Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by womens groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. This day women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day. 8th March is celebrated as International Womens Day, worldwide. The day is observed to bring a ocial revolution aiming at gender equality. In fact, in some countries like China, Nepal, Vietnam, Russia, its an official holiday! Here are some fun-facts about Womens Day and areas where women excel, which is sure to make every woman proud of herself! 1. The first Womens Day was observed on 19th March 1911. More than 1 million women and men attended rallies to support womens right to work, vote, hold public office and to end gender discrimination. Over the years, 8th March as fixed as International Womens Day. 2. Research suggests that women possess much stronger verbal skills, compared to men. Women are naturally more articulate. 3. Yellow mimosa is the symbol of Womens Day in Italy, Russia and Albania. In Italy, men give flowers to women. Chocolates and yellow mimosa tops as gifts in Russia and Alba 4. Women have better empathy and can interpret emotions better. Women are also faster to identify something visually different than usual. According to scientists, women have a stronger immune system and female hormone oestrogen gives women this edge! 6. Women, if they receive proper medical care during her birth and pregnancy, have a longer life expectancy than men. 7. Women and caring go hand in hand. This may be the reason why many patients prefer female doctors. Several studies indicate that female doctors are more encouraging, reassuring and spend up to 10% more time with patients.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Health care management and technology

Health care management and technology Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clearly, there are many reasons why health care in general is a very important aspect of our daily lives. Many people dont tend to realize that healthcare just doesnt consist of just doctors, but it also consists of dieticians, nurses, physicians, dieticians, and therapists. They all tend to play a major role into making sure that all people whether American or from a foreign country are maintaining their health. An ounce of prevention is sometimes worth more than an ounce of cure (Brown, pg 1). Even though many people may tend to think that theses jobs are easy, I believe that these jobs are not easy and require a lot of hard work, dedication, and also time in order to make sure that everyone is well taken care of. This paper will discuss the role of health care administrators in different settings, the future of health insurance, the role of administration in health systems and the role of managed care organizations. The role of administration in the health system There can be many roles for health care administrators because of the wide variety of possible settings they can take part in. I currently work for Catholic Healthcare West (CHW), a Health Care Organization (HCO), St. Josephs Hospital and Medical Center (SJHMC) in Phoenix, AZ as a Senior Buyer in the Materials Management Department. CHW is a Catholic non-profit public healthcare enterprise consisting of over forty networks of clinics and hospitals delivering medical services in Arizona, California, and Nevada with 60,000 providers, clinicians and non-clinical support staff. Health care administrators in CHW are employed at all levels, top, middle, and entry. SJHMC currently has two medical management committees, Critical Care Committee and Risk Management Committee that play a major role in administration for their health care system. The critical care committee evaluates the standard of critical care practice for various intensive care and emergency units in the hospital. This committee supports the continuous improvement of patient care at SJHMC through the ongoing and focused monitoring of key quality indicators. And the Risk Management Committee directs the design and implementation of all risk avoidance and management policies, procedures, processes and improvements, related to the following risk reduction activities, risk surveillance, risk prevention, risk control, and unusual occurrences. Identifying and analyzing key risk indicators at least quarterly avoids trends in patient injury outcomes and improves provider practice. They reach conclusions and take action for quality improvement to achieve greater success. There are other methods that these medical management committees can persuade the health care policy outside of the walls of their HCO. At SJHMC they collaborate with other community HCO to bring strength in numbers so their voice is heard. They create an environment that benefits the entire state with initiatives. They are also known to seek out interested third parties in the private sector to help donate to their cause in health care reform. In addition, the administration that is involved in these committees that are outside of their additional duties lead and actively participate in interdisciplinary quality improvement activities as a key contributor to the image and care SJHMC provides to the community. These committees exist to manage the quality and safety of patient care delivery. SJHMC depends on these administrative leaders to serve on these committees to provide leadership for measuring, assessing, and improving processes. Managed care organizations roles and the future of health insurance Managed care organizations play a major role in health care management and technology as well as being the future for health insurance. They are the middle man between the insurance agencies and the government communicating the needs of the patient and the managed care organization. I feel that managed care organizations would be very beneficial in a way that it will be able to benefit not only myself but other people also. For example, managed care has helped to aid me whenever I am going to the hospital or getting a doctor check up. They are the ones that are talking with my doctors or physicians in order to determine the type of treatment I may need and handle all of the financial agreements that come with it I feel that this would save myself and others time and money by having a managed care plan. In the national and state levels they are involved in the legislative process to advocate for new health policies for health insurance. Inside the courthouse they litigate within advoc acy campaigns from the private sector for health care reform as well. As the number of Americans without health care insurance continues to grow the need for access to health care grows as well. Expanding health insurance and creating access to health care for every American has come in the form of MCOs building public and political alliances for reform that will expand health insurance through tax credits. They also encourage insurance agencies to move in the direction of a system that will make health insurance affordable for individuals and families. The future of health care insurance is especially important to SJHMC. Being CHW is a nonprofit organization with religious sponsorship they have provided over $900 million community benefit and free health care to the poor and low income families in 2008. The role of administration in health systems Health care organizations use Information Technology in order to improve the quality, safety, effectiveness and efficiency of health care in different settings and in order to insure continuity of care. The use of IT in health care has been demonstrated to improve health care in various large health care delivery systems.IT investment must be aligned with the health care organizations mission and vision. In order to better understand any proposed technological investments by the different stakeholders in the organization it is important for the IT department to come up with a Strategic Master Plan to assess the IT infrastructure and services available including hardware, applications, manpower and processes in order to identify future needs. The role of administration in health systems In healthcare settings, IT infrastructure constitutes the physical hardware used for running medical and business applications including networked medical instruments, enterprise storage systems, servers, desktops, laptops and hand-held devices, interfaces together with wired and wireless network devices and connection media. Two years ago the IT department in the hospital I work for went through a dramatic enhancement of the service delivery and IT infrastructure, establishing compliance requirement with the Joint Commission International Accreditation and the College of American Pathologists, initiating mega projects to improve underlying infrastructure including the network, desktop computers, printers laptops, servers, enterprise data storage as well as restructuring the data center to cover the hospital expansion and increase safety and security of the IT resources. The major two projects that were approved and implemented were: My Care-Cerner interface, it facilitates ADT (admission, discharge and transfer) and Physician Orders between the two systems. ADT information is transferred via hospital network and stored in centralized database. The interface allows the caregiver to enter patient information into the computer where ADT reads messages in HL7 format and updates the appropriate tables in the database. Transactions such as: data added, updated, cancelled or deleted are done in real time and ADT Interface Server receives a massage and updates the database for use right away. Some of the benefits of my-CARE-Cerner ADT Interface: Saves Time: patient information in the patient master index of cerner and then transmitted automatically to my CARE without re-entry of the information in my CARE. Reduction of Data Entry Errors: there is less chance of data entry errors with less data being entered manually in my-CARE. Complete Patient Information: information is available without having to search in other systems. ICIS-CERNER Phase II Project: a major code upgrade to the underlying infrastructure was made in order to prepare for phase II. Phase II Cerner which included the following modules includes PharmNet which organizes data, eliminates duplication, and increases patient safety and communication among caregivers, physicians, and nurses by placing data only once ensuring efficiency, and safety, SurginNet which offers solutions to doctors, nurses, surgery team members such as: scheduling, comprehensive reporting, complete documentation for pre, intra, post operative, case tracking, anesthesia documentation and tools necessary to automate the practice of anesthesia and Profile which provides the ability to support paper, document images and computerized records within a single application, chart completion, release of information and chart tracking. Other modules include CareNet which links patient electronic medical record to nursing activities, automatically documenting activities and simpl ifying communication between all members of the care team and FirstNet which was introduced for emergency services and helps track the flow of patients at emergency departments until the patient is transferred to the ward or discharged, including triaging stage. Conclusion In closing, the healthcare environment is not as easy as it seems. With all the new technological inventions and advancement in medicines and study, many healthcare physicians must be ready at all times to adapt to any new changes when it involves the healthcare field. One of the major things about on-demand is that it helps a business become not just more innovative, but also much more efficient and much more responsive to change (Wladawsky-Berger, pg 1). With this being said, the importance of anyone working in a healthcare industry is marked by their adaptation to change and if they adapt to change quickly, more patients will be satisfied with the service and that those physicians will be able to limit problems that occur inside their place of work. This is why roles in healthcare are important in todays world because the future holds many changes in the healthcare field and that administrators must be ready for change and must be ready to try to obtain as much information about n ew medicines and cures whenever the time comes. Resources Shi, L., Singh, D. A. (2008) Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (4th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. Longest, Jr., B. B. (2003). Managing health services organizations and systems. Baltimore: Health Professionals Press. David Brown, In the Balance: Some Candidates Disagree, but Studies Show Its Often Cheaper To Let People Get Sick, The Washington Post, April 8, 2008. Saward, E., Sorensen, A. (1980). The current emphasis on preventive medicine. In S. J. Williams (Ed.), Issues in health services (pp. 17-29). New York: John Wiley Sons.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Henry V :: essays research papers

O. Henry wrote his own magazine entitled, "The Rolling Stone". The magazine did poorly and Henry stooped to stealing from bank accounts to which he became arrested. Henry's writing came to a halt due to jail time and he eventually died nine years after being set free. The time period in which O. Henry's finest works created, occurred in the late 1800's to the early 1900's where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled "A Retrieved Reformation" written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"as it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. "The Social Triangle" one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikey's wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. "Ikey threw is week's wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar." With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Jacobs 2 Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. "To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as "...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Henry V :: essays research papers O. Henry wrote his own magazine entitled, "The Rolling Stone". The magazine did poorly and Henry stooped to stealing from bank accounts to which he became arrested. Henry's writing came to a halt due to jail time and he eventually died nine years after being set free. The time period in which O. Henry's finest works created, occurred in the late 1800's to the early 1900's where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled "A Retrieved Reformation" written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"as it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. "The Social Triangle" one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikey's wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. "Ikey threw is week's wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar." With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Jacobs 2 Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. "To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as "...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Study or Research on Depression and Anxiety Essay

I. Introduction ‘’ Anna† had been suffering from depression and anxiety attack since adolescence. Her depression started when her parents broke up while her anxiety attacks started her mother started working in Cebu, leaving Anna her psychological problems, but when she was 17, Anna did the ultimate act giving in to her depression, she committed to suicide by hanging. This true story brings home the reality of the problems of depression and anxiety that could afflict individuals regardless of age, status, race, social standing or gender, and the intensity and severity of the pain they bring that could be lead to the ultimate act of suicide. Even the great Sir Winston Churchill suffered from depression in his lifestyle. Severe depression marked by prolonged and very deep sorrow and lowered self-esteem, and anxiety, a serious state of deep worry and panic, affect a large number of individuals today. Shimberg (1991) identifies depression as â€Å" the most common biological disorder seen in psychiatry today that nobody can escape because people are either directly affected by it or try to cope with a  family member who is affected with depression† Aside from the ever-present danger and risk of suicide, depression and anxiety rob affected persons with loss of happiness and well being that could lead to physical, psychological and well social ailments. Many are prevented from going to school from finding or maintaining lucrative jobs, and from enjoying social activities with family and friends. All of these negative effects and fatal impact on depression and anxiety make this study highly significant. This aims to show that depression and anxiety when left undetected o untreated would lead to suicide among teenagers and adults alike. The second part of this study will present the salient facts about depression, its types, causes, risk factors, effects and dangers from suicide, as well as therapy and preventive measures to stop afflicted individuals from committing self-destruction. The next part will present all the facts about anxiety, the different types or manifestations, cause, risk factors, effects, dangers of suicide and also therapy and preventive measures.  The least part will focus on suicide. -the types and methods, the statistics of suicide due to depression and anxiety and the preventive measures that must be done by those nearest to the afflicted people with suicidal tendencies. II. Depression A.Definition Depression can be defined and described in various ways. Kyes and Hofling (1980) define it as a pathologic state, brought on the feelings of loss and/ or guilt and characterized by sadness and lowering of self-esteem. ¹It may also be simply defined as a brain disorder that affects thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior and physical health. More specifically, depression is best defined in terms of its attributes, or the observable signs, symptoms and charges it brings to an afflicted person. These include: (1) a marked alteration in mood such as sadness, loneliness and apathy; (2) a negative self-concept associated with self-reproaches and self-blame; (3) Regressive and self-punitive wishes such as the desires to escape, hide, or die; (4) vegetative changes including anorexia, insomnia, loss of libido ; and (5) change in activity level including retardation or agitation. ³ B.Types of Depression Today, psychiatrists categorize depression into the different types based on their characteristics. The first type termed Major depressive episode is marked by symptoms that appear without any cause that can be pinpointed. It prevents the person from doing normal daily activities and may be isolated (occur once) or recurrent. The second type called Manic episode is marked by dominating abnormal euphoria (extreme happy agitated state) or irritability. The third is Mixed episode marked by alternating mood, between mania depression for at least one week. This episode also goes by the name manic depression or bipolar disorder. The fourth and last in this group of psychiatric categories is Dysthymic disorder marked by the affected individual can still perform normal activities.⠁ ´ The reaction states in the depression are also classified in terms of state or intensity of impairment and disturbance. Neurotic depressive reaction is identified as a state of depression of neurotic intensity wherein realty testing is largely unimpaired and physiologic disturbances are mild. On the other hand, Psychotic depressive reaction is that state depression of psychotic intensity in which realities testing severely impaired and physiologic disturbances (vegetative signs) are usually conspicuous. The third state called Reactive depression is a depressive state which the precipitating stress can be clearly discerned and seen to be of some magnitude. The fourth state called Unipolar depression is a condition characterized by recurrent episodes of depression, usually of psychotic intensity, without episodes of mania.⠁ µ Another type of depression is called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. This is a pattern of major depression related to seasonal changes which might be caused by decreased levels of sunlight and increased melatonin (mood-controlling hormone) in the brain.⠁ ¶ Unlike SAD which can be explained by a biochemical cause the cause of depression and its various types and states difficult to pinpoint. Scientists and experts believe that a combination of factors such as genetic vulnerability, environmental factors, stress, physical illness, or neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain could lead to depression. The known causes of depression are inherited vulnerability; environmental triggers; medications; illnesses; personality; alcohol; nicotine; and drug abuse; and diet.⠁ ¶ Inherited vulnerability as cause of depression means that having a family history of depression increases the risk of developing depression. A person who has a parent or relative with this condition is in danger of getting bogged down with depression. Researchers have isolated several genes involved in bipolar depression, although not all with this negative heredity trait develops the problem. It has been clarified that there are other factors that can lead t depression and one of these are environmental triggers such as stressful life events including loss or death of a loved one, divorce, break up of a relationship, loss of a job, financial worries, and sickness or loss of health or independence.⠁ · Although depression just like stress, is a part of life, when the depression starts to control a person’s life for over two weeks and leads to passive behavior prolonged sorrow, lack of appetites and a loss of the general zest for living, then he or she has shifted from simply being depressed to suffering from depression. This type of depression caused by a situation, specific event or life changing situation is called reactive or situational depression.⠁ ¸ In addition to inherited vulnerability, environmental triggers and stressful  events or situations, personality traits can also be cause of depression having low self-esteem, being too dependent, self critical, pessimistic and negative, and being easily overcome by stress can make a person prone to depression.⠁ ¹ Also, medications and illnesses, as well as habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking and drug abuse as well as poor dietary habits can also cause depression. Prolonged use of certain medications such as beta blocker propanolol or Inderal, some blood pressure medicines and drugs for treating arthritis and Parkinson’s disease may cause depression. Sometimes, steroid medications such as Prednisone and oral contraceptives, and anti-cancer medicines can also being on depression. Those chronically sick from heart disease are also greater risk for suffering from full blown depression. This connection between heart disease and hypothyroidism has been established by studies. ¹Ã¢  ° Studies also found that contrary to previous beliefs, people did not turn to alcohol, nicotine or drugs to get comfort from depression but it is these substances that make them prone to depression and anxiety disorders. Studies found that about 30% of depressives and 60% of bipolar depressives abuse alcohol and drugs. Moreover other bad habits such as not eating well and lack of foliate and Vitamin B-12 may also result in depressive symptoms. ¹Ã‚ ¹ With the various cause of depression cited above and one might ask what the risk factors are and who are at risk for depression. Shimberg (1991) point to stages in life that might trigger the problem including forced retirement; being left behind by children who get married or leave for school; becoming an adolescent. These life stages and occurrences individuals at the risk for depression. Childhood depression and post depression are forms of depression that often do not get recognized. ¹Ã‚ ² Moreover, according to Kyes (1980), some research had indicated that depression and bipolar disorders might earlier by experts. This indication is linked to increase in the adolescent suicide rate in recent years. ¹Ã‚ ³ Experts also warn that outside of those already mentioned as at risk for  depression because of the altered stage in life, families of those who are depressed at most at risk for depression. The reason for this is the destruction that depression cause on the depressed and all family members round them: damage to relationships, end to careers, lost dreams and chaos and torment for the family. So mothers of depressed children become depressed, and children of depressed parents also become more likely to get depressed. ¹Ã¢  ´ In terms of age, race, status, gender and other factors, experts point out that depression can affect all ages and all races, but typically the first episode occurs between the ages of 25 and 44. Although older people are no more at risk than other age groups, depression are higher among single individuals and those not in long-term relations- among divorced people and those who live alone. Women are more prone to major depression, dysthemia and seasonal affective disorder. It is said that one out of four women will experience some type of depression so women are at 25% higher risk, although both genders have about the same risk for bipolar depression.  ¹Ã¢  µ More important than knowing the risk factors causes of depression is knowledge of preventive measures and the signs and symptoms of depression so that its negative effects and serious impact can be avoided. When left untreated and undetected, depression can result only in the worst consequences of disability, dependency and even suicide. Statistics reveals that as high as 70 percent (70%) of people who committed suicide may have some form of depression. ¹Ã¢  ¶ D.Effects and Dangers of Suicide Indeed, the impact of depression is severe because it negatively affects all aspects of health and depresses thinking, moods, feelings and behavior, as well as weakens physical health. The depressed person loses interest in normal day to day activities and experience lack of pleasures in activities previously enjoyed. This loss of happiness is called anhedonia; it erases all the enjoyment previously experienced in life. Hence, the depressed person feels very sad, helpless and hopeless and suffers from crying spells.  These effects last for a long time.  ¹Ã¢  · In addition to the above major affects of depression, the afflicted individual also suffers from disturbed sleep; marked less or gain in weight; agitation or slowed body movements; fatigue; diminished self-esteem; persistent thoughts of death and suicide; impaired thinking or concentration and loss of libido or interest in sex. Depressed individuals either sleep too much or suffer from insomnia. They may wake up in the middle of the night or at dawn and not fall asleep again. They often become agitated, irritable and easily gets angered at little things. On the opposite extremes, they become robot like, moving slowly and speaking in a monotone. They feel fatigued and weary, filled with guilt and feelings of worthlessness. Because of these, they think of suicide and not death, unable to make the right decisions and forgetting things. They lose interest in sexual relations. It is when they become overwhelmed that depressed individuals commit suicide. ¹Ã¢  ¸ A study by Cassidy, Flamegon and Spellman (1957) found that 58% of depressed individuals were psychologically affected, often saying that they had nothing to look forward to, were afraid to be alone, could not remember anything, had black moods and blind rages, felt all mixed up, very unhappy or simply brooded around the house. Some (18%) felt that their head was heavy, pressured in the throat or had headaches. Some left a pain in the head like a balloon about to burst urinated frequently and had upset stomach. A few (11%) felt tired, exhausted or jumpy. They confessed to inability to do work, lack of strength and trembling like a leaf. A small number (2%) experience a mixture of medical and psychological problems such as getting scared and not being able to breath, suffering from stiff necks and loss of power, feeling a weakness in their arms. ¹Ã¢  ¹ In the major form of depression, depressed persons become so fatigued that they sleep throughout the day and night. They are unable to work or do simple chores due to exaggerated sadness and lack of lethargy that cannot overcome. Compounding their depressive feelings are those of worthlessness, excessive guilt and receiving thoughts of suicide affected by the lifetime  of these major depressive effects are 5-12 out of 100 men and 10-26 of women. The American Psychological association (APA, 1994) also point slowly increasing severity of the problem. Maj. Et al. (1992) state that about 75% of those who suffer from a depressive episode may suffer it again within five years . ²Ã¢  ° People who suffer from bipolar disorder or manic depression marked by alternating moods of depression and mania are affected differently. In this period of a manic episode, they become restless and feel energetic even with only three hours of sleep. They become very talkative, with racing thoughts and flighty ideas. They easily get distracted and increase their social work, school or sexual activities. They also become excessively involved in pleasurable activities that could lead to painful consequences such as uncontrollable buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments. All these can affect their work and social relationships. ²Ã‚ ¹ Less marked affects can be seen in the people with dysthemia or chronic low-level depression. While they may also suffer from disturbed sleep, energy and self-esteem, they are not debilitated; those who suffer from it often lack self-confidence or motivation and remain in abusive relationships. ²Ã‚ ² E.Therapy and Prevention Because depression especially major episodes can lead to suicide, treatment measures must be followed starting with techniques including giving of tranquilizing drugs for mania or antidepressant drugs for depressions, electroconvulsive therapy, milieu therapy, occupational and recreational therapies, and supportive psychotherapy. In addition to these, the most important treatment objective is to change whatever underlying personality problems are causing the depression through psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. ²Ã‚ ³ Three specific forms of psychotherapy that can effectively treat depression are cognitive therapy, behavior therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy.  These are combinations of one of the recommended such as tricyclics or selective serotonin reuptake inhabitations can effectively treat the condition. Other specified forms of treatment are electroconvulsive therapy and phototherapy for seasonal depression. ²Ã¢  ´ The type of treatment given to a depressed person depends on the physiological symptoms that can be observed including disturbance of sleep or loss of the desire to eat. In such cases, anti depressant medications that act to increase the amount of nor epinephrine, serotonin or both available in the synapses. These substances identified as neurotransmitters are found in decreased amounts in depression. Antidepressants that have been found effective are tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidate (MAO) inhibitions and selective serotonin reuptake inhabitations (SSRIS). The SSRIS are preferred because of fewer side effects and they are better tolerated for longer treatment. One example is Prozac. For those suffering from bipolar depression, lithium is usually given in all cases where these medications are used; care should be taken to prevent patients from using them in suicide attempts. ²Ã¢  µ The need to prevent depressed individuals from suicide attempts cannot be overemphasized. Statistics reveals that about 15% of the population experiences major depression and some point in life, putting them at risk for suicide. This danger increases due to the fact that depression is often not diagnosed, or when diagnosed, it is not treated adequately. Physicians need to always assess the risk of suicide by direct questioning because patients often fail to put their thoughts into words if they are not encouraged to do so. When such specific plans of suicide are discovered and if significant risk factors exist such as a past record of suicide attempts, deep hopelessness, accompanying medical illness, substance abuse, or social isolation and loneliness, the patient or depressed individual must be referred right away to a mental health specialist. The physicians should try to dig deeper with hope and empathy in dealing with the depressed patient, and become sensitive to hidden feelings denial a [atient who shows signs of anxiety, panic or agitation is at significantly increased risk of suicide. Almost 15% of patients with untreated depression will commit suicide but  majority of these will have asked for help within a month of their suicide. ²Ã¢  ¶ Because of the ever present danger and risk of suicide among depressive individuals, therapy and treatment should be implemented with clear steps for preventive measures. These include providing a safe environment to protect them from self-injury or suicide; providing a structured environment to encourage the patients to engage in daily and recreational activities ; to reactivate their interests away from personal concerns ; and to motivate them for the treatment and introduce psychotherapy and occupational therapy always, the doctors and caregivers should aim at building trust through one-to-one relationships, showing interest and giving positive support to help build the patients ego and self-esteem. They have to help provide adequate nutrition, sleep and exercise for the patients. ²Ã¢  · IV. Anxiety A. Definition Aside from and often occurring with depression are feelings of anxiety, best described as â€Å" an abnormal and overwhelming signs such as sweating, tension, and increased pulse ; by doubt concerning the reality of the threat ; and by self-doubt concerning one’s capacity to cope with it.  ²Ã¢  ¸ It must be pointed out that anxiety is a normal and useful feeling when it warns of possible danger, but uncontrollable anxiety becomes a disorder when the affected person becomes bombarded with intense, frequent and continuous false alarms. These false alarms may result in dysfunctional avoidance behavior such as refusal to leave the house for fear of a panic attack. Such anxiety disorders are reported as most frequently occurring type of mental disorders in the general population as reported by the American Psychological Association (1994). About 5% of the population suffers from acute or chronic anxiety, with women twice more likely to be affected. More than two percent (2%) of Americans for example have generalized anxiety disorder and are persistently axioms and disturbed. They become excessively and unrealistically worried about life circumstances. About a third of the populations also have at least one irrational or unreasonable fear or phobia. ²Ã¢  ¸ Such exaggerated worry often goes together with depression, which experts think is also caused by imbalance of neurotransmitters. As opposed to normal worry that encourages people to plan and prepare for the future, and to get financial security for the family and the future, anxiety disorders lead to feelings of apprehension, nervousness and nagging uneasiness that resemble a heart attack, accompanied by fast heartbeat, palpitations, seating and dizziness. People with anxiety disorders may also suffer from headaches, insomnia and relentless fatigue. ²Ã¢  ¹ B.Types of Anxiety Anxiety disorders are usually classified as generalized or free floating anxiety; phobic anxiety; or panic attacks. Free floating anxiety refers to morbid states of anxiety that are relatively persistent and generalized. On the other hand, phobic anxiety refers to directed of focused anxiety which is an unreasonable and unfounded fear of an object or situation that leads to avoidance situation. Such phobias are of three main categories. The first are phobias of specific objects or situations such as fear of thunder, spiders, etc. The second are social phobias connected to social situations such as speaking or eating in public; while the third is agoraphobia, anxiety of leaving ones home or familiar surroundings and being in crowded place. The last major category of anxiety disorders, panic attacks, refer t brief but very intense attacks of anxiety. ³Ã¢  ° Such panic attacks are or panic disorders are distinguished from real panic because the intense fear and feelings of doom or terror are not justified by the situation. These attacks are accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitations, trembling, chest pains and even fear dying or going crazy. ³Ã‚ ¹ In the related disorder called agoraphobia mentioned earlier, the fear is connected to inability to escape such as from crowded grocery stores, elevators, a bridge, or a train, car or bus. The investigating factor is fear of having a panic attack in a public place; hence the afflicted person  avoids leaving home altogether. A similar anxiety disorder is obsessive- compulsive Disorder which is characterized by recurring obsessions and compulsions that lead to severe distress that interfere with life. Obsessions are persisting thoughts or ideas like the notion of a terrible accident about to happen to a loved one or that underwear is filled with germs compulsions and intentional behaviors or mental acts performed to act on an obsession, often as a magical technique to world off the obsessive threat, such as taking a bath over or washing the hands repeatedly. Those with OCD give in to irresistible acts that they perform repeatedly even if they know are irrational. ³Ã‚ ² One type anxiety disorder that has become common is Post- traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. This is marked by flashbacks and recurrent thoughts of a psychologically distressing experience outside the range of usual human experience such as seeing someone killed; being tortured; being raped; or losing one’s home in tsunami or natural disaster. The signs include nightmares, flashbacks, lessened responsiveness to the world, and psychological numbness. ³Ã‚ ³ C.Causes and Risk Factors of Anxiety Whether anxiety is generalized or free-floating, phobic, obsessive- compulsive or caused by traumatic stress or panic attack, it is often exaggerated worry that goes together with depression. Hence, like depression, it is also caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters as experts believe. ³Ã¢  ´ Also, like depression, anxiety disorders can be traced to several root causes including genetic vulnerability, and environmental factors. Family studies have shown that genetic factors. Family studies have shown that genetic factors and heredity contribute to anxiety disorders such as panic, simple phobia and obsessive-compulsive. People suffering from anxiety disorders have family members with anxiety and mood disorders. This generic vulnerability is believed to be due to mechanisms involving the neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine. Obsessive- compulsive  syndromes, for example, have been found to be the result of imbalance among neurotransmitter systems. As for environment, growing eyes in a home with pathologically anxious parents or family members give a significant environmental risk for anxiety disorders. ³Ã¢  µ One group of anxiety disorders, the phobias, can be traced to traumatic or painful roots. Psychiatrists believe that they often result from one single incident that was very frightening, painful or traumatic enough to leave a scar in the unconscious mind, one famous example was Rita Hayworthis phobia for riding elevators. A famous actress, she was once trapped in a lift in a tall building in Madrid when all of sudden, it plunged 20 floors down before the emergency brakes worked. After this event, she developed a phobia for elevators and moved only ride escalators or go to the event of walking up to a destination. She confessed that even thinking above riding an elevator would make her feel cold; she had developed claustrophobia. ³Ã¢  ¶ However, experts also point out that phobias maybe caused by a series of disturbing experiences or situations. This series of unpleasant, frightening events can deeply ingrain the fear in a person’s subconscious mind. One example is the case of famous Mike Douglas who developed acrophobia or fear of flying. At the first, he saw gasoline pawing out of the gas tanks of a B-24 Liberator he had to ride on a assignment. Although the plane did not burn the sight of gasoline hitting the airplane’s wings terrified him. On another tour, the plane he rode on lost an engine and they had to crash-land. Douglas had to be carried from the wreckage and since these two experiences, he had developed from the wreckage and since these two experiences, he had developed acrophobia. ³Ã¢  · In addition to different types of phobias, teenagers can develop anxieties because of difficulties connected with their struggles with issues of freedom and separation from parents, and the need to establish their personal identity. Teenagers often experience fear, ambivalence, and confusion about assuming the role of adults, and these may result in deep emotional conflicts and anxieties. High degree of anxiety among teenagers may be indicated by their overly passive, compliant and conforming  behaviors. ³Ã¢  ¸ Oftentimes, anxiety is caused by exaggerated concerns with the possibility of being physically or emotionally hurt in the future. For example, a student suffering from anxiety would experience continual thoughts of failing in a coming test and everyone thinking that he is stupid. ³Ã¢  ¹ D.Effects of anxiety and Dangers of Suicide Like depression, anxiety has harmful effects on the affected individual. They might feel apprehensive and nervous, troubled by nagging and constant uneasiness about the future. Attacks of anxiety are similar to a heart attack accompanied by rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sweating and dizziness. Anxious people also from headaches, insomnia, and relentless fatigue. When left untreated, anxiety disorders increase the risk for hypertension and heart disease.⠁ ´Ã¢  ° In the case of phobias, the extreme fright results in physical changes including quickening of heartbeat and responses, dilation of the pupils, and pouring of large amounts of energy producing adrenalin.⠁ ´Ã‚ ¹ This response is called the Flight or Fight response and is commonly known to become harmful to health when prolonged. In the case of teenagers, those suffering from anxiety often become preoccupied with physical complaints and feelings. They experience disturbed interpersonal relationships and become plagued and bothered by unrealistic fears. Because they cannot express their fears and anxiety, they may act out their feelings through dysfunctional behaviors like aggression, juvenile or drugs, and truancy. But the worse impact of anxiety is suicide.⠁ ´Ã‚ ² Indeed, the danger of suicide due to anxiety cannot be ignored. A study conducted in Sweden involving 3000 patients suffering from anxiety disorders found that before they reached 70 years old, one third or about 1000 died because of suicide. Hence, anxiety disorders predisposed affected people to commit suicide. ⠁ ´Ã‚ ³ E.Therapy and Prevention To relieve suffering and prevent suicide, proper management of anxiety attacks, treatment techniques and preventive measures must be followed by the afflicted individual and those who care for them. Persons affected by anxiety can learn the techniques of muscle relaxation and biofeedback. They have to take prescribed anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitions (SSRIs) and buspirone (bulpar) to help relieve anxiety symptoms.⠁ ´Ã‚ ³ According to western (1996), benzodiazepines are useful for short-term treatment of anxiety symptoms. The earliest medicine of this type was valium but this has since been replaced by alprazolen or xanax which is more effective in treating panic symptoms. These medications increase the activity of GABA neurotransmitters that inhibits activation throughout the nervous system. Hence, anxiety is reduced by increasing inhibitory neurotransmitters. In the case of panic disorder, psychiatrists prescribe antidepressant medications for faster relief of anxiety.⠁ ´Ã¢  µ In addition to medications which can be habit forming, those suffering from phobias can turn to other techniques to combat phobias. Trudy weirs man, director of the Phobia Workshop in New York suggests an eight-step plan to fight phobias. The plan includes the following steps; â€Å"(1) accepting the phobia; (2) Realizing that phobia cannot kill; (3) Not running and focusing instead on the present situation; (4) Making a chart of feelings and thoughts during a phobic situation; (5) Relaxation using the tighten-relax method; (6) Keeping in touch with reality to divert attention such us opening mail; (7) Belief in one’s own ability to function with fear levels; (8) Seeking professional help when all else fails’’ ⠁ ´Ã¢  ¶ However, it must be pointed out that the anxious individuals need all the help they can get. Those who come in contact with the, especially parents,  teacher and guidance counselors must be careful and be very cautious with teenagers rather the ignore behavior that often signs of serious disturbance and anxiety. For example, a teenager was suspended from school because of tribal rebellion, truancy and drug use. In the absence of social support from school officials and friends, the teenager overdosed on a bottle of pills in an attempt to commit suicide. The treatment revealed problems of depression.⠁ ´Ã¢  · People who come in control with anxious or depressed individuals must be aware of suicidal wishes that are expressed. Such suicidal wishes are extreme expressions of the desire to escape the suffering they imagine in the future and the burdens they believe they are placing on their families. In order to lighten the burden of suffering, hopelessness and mistaken ideas of the facility of their lives, the guidance counselor, teacher or psychiatrist must help the anxious person to examine their reasoning and think about alternative solutions to their problem. They must be guide in correcting their mistaken ideas about things that make them feel hopeless burden that add to their family’s sufferings once they recognize that there is a hope or alternative way, they will be motivated and forget about suicidal thought.⠁ ´Ã¢  ¸ Indeed, the need to correctly assess those people who are in danger of committing suicide and to follow the strategies to prevent them from putting into action suicidal thoughts cannot be overemphasized. School Nurses especially need to be vigilant in diagnosing teenagers with suicidal tendencies. The signs and symptoms of emotionally disturbed teenagers include the following. Social isolation related to inability to engage in personal relationships; Potential for self-directed violence related to suicidal behavior; Anxiety related to situational or maturational crisis; IV. Suicide A.Methods and types of suicide Mass media have successfully raised the awareness of people about the various methods and types of suicide. Some intentionally cause their own death directly by using firearms, knives, or poison while others hang themselves. There are also those who commit suicide indirectly by continuous intake of harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs or tobacco, though most people are aware only of direct suicide. Other types of suicide that have become well-publicized are euthanasia (doctor assisted suicide) and teen age suicide. The issue of teenage suicide has raised to the forefront with the case of the teenager committing suicide in a Pampanga mall recently. B.Statistics of Suicide Gelman (1994) cited in Smith (1992) reported that in the United States of America alone, about 30,000 people die from suicide every. Belluck (1998) cited in Smith (1992) reported that suicide ranked as the 8th leading cause of death among young people in the 15-24 age range. Among adolescents, there has been a marked increase in suicide rate since 1950. ⠁ ´Ã¢  ¹ In addition, statistics reveal that for every successful suicide, there are 5-10 attempted suicides. Moreover, women are reported to make more suicide attempts than men, but four times as many men actually commit suicide. Suicide cases have been increasing in both the teenage and elderly age group.⠁ µÃ¢  ° Furthermore, out of the estimated 30,000 people who actually committed suicide in the United States, 10-50 percent or about half suffer from major depression. For depressed people, the most dangerous time for suicide is when they are already to come out and recover the depression. When they are severely depressed, they are weakened and emotionally paralyzed so that they could not act on the impulse to kill themselves.⠁ µÃ‚ ¹ Just like depression, the anxiety disorders also predispose people to suicide and place them at risk for untimely death. As stated earlier, a study conducted in Sweden found that of more than 3000 impatient who have been  diagnosed with anxiety disorders, about one third or 1000 deaths before age 70 were due to suicide. Aside from those suffering from depression and anxiety disorders, those suffering from schizophrenia and personality disorders also die from suicide. Suicide is the primary cause of death among schizophrenics who are often faced with alienation and homelessness. Those with personality disorders are also prone to suicide because of the chaos and social problems they encounter in life. C.Preventive Measures In order to prevent individuals afflicted with depression, anxiety and other disorders from committing suicide, careful assessment of their status has to he made. Those near to them must recognize the level to depression or anxiety and the potential for suicide. Also, the presence of suicide ideation or thoughts of suicide have to be determined. The behaviors of these afflicted individuals have to be observed closely to note any clues to possible suicide. Most of the time, the person concerned will talk about suicide plans. Hence, it is important that a anxious individuals from self-destructive acts. Care must be taken especially at times when the patients depression in lifting. Support and care must be established so that the afflicted persons will know that those around them are concerned about their welfare. At all times, the depressed and anxious must be encouraged to express their feelings and anger. Relevant questions must be asked such as: â€Å"Do you wish your well dead?†, etc. All concerned should recognize such continued desire to commit suicide. More importantly, those around afflicted individuals should help increase their self-esteem by focusing on their strengths and success a structured schedule and involvement in activities with others should be helpful, as well as a structured plan to use to cope with future suicidal thoughts. The client should be helped to plan for continued professional help to relieve depression and anxiety in order to fully prevent suicide. In the case of teenagers, those educators, social workers, psychiatrists and others near them should help prevent teenage suicide by taking note of the risk factors and signs of suicide. These signs include changes in their behavior, anger,  irritability, depression, sadness, withdrawal, changes in eating and sleeping habits, and preoccupation with death are the other signs of suicidal tendencies. Those young people who are contemplating suicide often report headaches, stomach aches and ailments and also talk about killing themselves. IV. Conclusion In the end, public health workers and care givers could not be less vigilant in assessing suicide risks and in implementing measures to prevent suicide among others people suffering from depression, anxiety disorders and others disorders and severe stress. This is especially there in hospitals and health agencies. For example, a patient who had undergone mastectomy became quiet and withdrawn after a mastectomy operation upon learning that confirmation of cure would take months, she refused to eat and eaten jumped out of a window. Those who are most prone to depression and anxiety leading to suicide are those with chronic or incurable disease with loss or severe damage to body parts, and those with other concerns in addition to illness such as death of loved one, loss of property, divorce, separation and other overwhelming problems. The severity of depression and anxiety will depend on the evens catastrophe, or critical incident that has occurred. Whatever the case, the caregivers must always be aware of the damage from suicide. In conclusion, those concerned with individuals who are likely to commit suicide have to be aware of points at which to repeat suicide assessments. These individuals at a time prior/ before sustained therapentic response; first 6 months after hospital discharge; in presence of a new, painful, or disabling medical condition; in the presence of anxiety, panic or substances abuse; at evidence of relapse or recurring symptoms; at times of major stresses, losses, threats or shame inducing events; with comorleid personality disorders; or coming out of acute risk factors. Suicide, as what statistics has shown in recent years, have been increasing at a fat rate and is becoming more common especially among the young; but, it could be prevented with prompt and appropriate intervention. Depression  and anxiety, the most common causes of suicide, when left unchecked and untreated could lead to suicide among teenagers and adults alike. Hence, it is important for all who come in contact with depressed and anxious individuals to encourage them to undergo therapy and treatment.